
My favorite photos and moments of 2018

*do not say it. do not say it*

Wow, hasn’t this year gone by so quickly!?

I’ll be the one billionth person who utters that today but seriously…hasn’t it?

Where do I start on describing this year. I think I need to borrow a line from one of literature’s greatest novels –

It was the best of times, it was the most tired of times

On the 30th December 2017, I found out I was pregnant and on the 10th September 2018, my littlest Princess was born. So it’s no surprise that I have loved capturing the perfect features of my little Cece…and her precious big sister.

Two of these photos below are from the first time Rosie met her sister and she was besotted and has been ever since. The middle photo is day 3 at home, safe and warm in Daddy’s arms.

I tried to embrace my pregnancy more this time round. I was kinder to myself and my body…which meant I ate a lot more and didn’t work out as much. This made me feel unattractive at the best of times but it kept my round-ligament pain away. This photo was at 7 months and I wanted a few shots of the “tummy”.

Rosie and I went to England without Mr H and it was exhausting but still beautiful.

I planned, photographed and released the second #RosesForThorns series that focused on breaking the taboo of miscarriage and infertility. The women involved where incredible and it’s very tricky for me to pick just a couple of photos that I loved.

Rosie’s personality just BLOOMED. She is so feisty and fierce. She takes no kak. But she loves deeply and has a gorgeous sensitive streak that I don’t want to harm in my efforts to be a “good parent”.

We had the most incredible family photo shoot with Grand Little Adventure and the photos made me ugly cry.

My photography business boomed in the brand and product sphere and I have been blessed to work with the most incredible clients who allow me to be creative in how I capture their products and I think the results speak for themselves.

We celebrated another family Christmas together but Rosie is still not in that excited stage. I’m totally cool with that because it means she sleeps and doesn’t wake up ridiculously early in the morning to open presents. I think next year things will change.

It’s been busy and tiring but so rewarding at the same time. 2019 is going to be HUGE, I can feel it in my gin-filled waters 😉

Thank you to all of you who have followed our family journey, who have interacted, laughed and cried with us this year. Your support and love is everything.

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  • Reply Kim Muller December 31, 2018 at 8:39 am

    Some of my favorites in there too ☺

    Thank you for sharing your family life, your photographic passion, and your humor! Loved following along 😊

    • Reply Shante Hutton December 31, 2018 at 5:10 pm

      Thank you my love – you’re an incredible person to have in the mum tribe! x

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