Your taste buds change severely when you’re pregnant, unless you’re one of those amazingly annoying chicks who swans through pregnancy as if she’s casually holding a small cantaloupe that has magical abilities to bestow the carrier with an angelic-like glow. I am not that person. On an hourly basis, the list of foods that I can stomach will change and if want to eat anything for dinner, I have to think about it for at least 2 hours beforehand to truly test whether I still want it. It’s a mission and currently theses are the goodies that I want to eat:
- Mum’s home cooking. Sunday roasts. Bangers and Mash. Hearty Stews. Apple Crumble. Everything that’s warming and memory-inducing is at the top of my list. Maybe it’s because I’m missing my Mum like crazy.
- Sainsbury’s Strawberry pencils with fondant filling. 3 bags for a pound, what a bargain and by far the nicest sweets in the world. My Dad has strict instructions to fill his hand luggage with them.
- Orange Juice. The real stuff though, not the crummy 100% fruit juices from concentrate that is mostly grape and apple. I want the bits.
- Watermelon. It’s coming into season but I refuse to pay R60 for one. I only really trust the Woolies ones too because they have more pink than white. Totally colour-biased.
- Canned Tuna. According to doctors, you can only have one can a week but it’s not enough to satisfy my need for this canned goodness. Tuna pasta. Tuna on toast. Tuna with cheese. Just tuna.
- Green Tea. There is something wonderfully palate cleansing about green tea but I have had to adjust to the decaf version as I’m worried about the whole “caffeine can be bad for your baby” things.
Things that turn me off currently are: Salmon, actually fish in general, braais, mushrooms, spinach, bras, red wine, cabbage.
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