
Mini-Me Personalized Lego

With my family living in the UK and me not rolling in diamonds, getting together with the folks and my siblings happens only once a year. It’s pretty tragic to be honest and obviously, I miss them. We stay in touch via Whatsapp and Facetime (thank God for the internet) but it’s not the same as having them here, in person.

That’s when Mini-Me came along and delivered a part of my family into the palm of my hand and I got all kinds of emotional.

Mini-Me offer personalized Lego gifts and I actually can’t believe I haven’t seen this before because it’s such a unique and cool gift idea. With 1000’s of items waiting to be mixed and matched, you are only limited by your imagination…and the number of people who you want to miniaturize.

They make killer presents for bridal parties and throw serious shade on boring corporate gifts that get chucked in the bin the minute you’re out of sight of your boss. For me, it made one awesome present and a chance to spend physical time with my bro.

I have a totally nerdy brother who spends 85% of his time on his PC – we both love Marvel comics, dissecting movies and music. In the past, I’ve gotten him superhero t’shirts and the like, but to create him in Lego form is probably the coolest mini gift he’ll ever receive off of me…until I’m a millionaire and I can take him, via private jet, to Comic-Con San Diego.

The Mini- Me website was a breeze to use with so many options to choose from; I wanted to capture my bro in his usual get-up – he’s a jeans and plaid kinda guy.

This is my bro (and my gorgeous sis) below irl.

And this is him in Lego form…

How much does it look like him?!

I customized my Mini-Me brother with a laptop and, because he is a full-on musician, a trumpet – which he plays amazingly well. When it arrived (the lead time was insanely quick), complete with mini stand, I was bowled over by how much it looked like him and how clever an idea Mini-Me is – this makes finding personal and unique gifts for people so much easier.

Despite the insane distance between my family and I, having a little representative of my bro bridged that gap just enough…I also got way more conversation out of this Lego figure (18 year olds are notoriously difficult to communicate with) and it didn’t mind watching sitcoms OR helping with the dishes *wink*

Want to start creating? Start now on the Mini-Me website – To create my brother, with accessories, it was around R290 and I’m super keen on doing ones for the whole family. I’d love to see what you create.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Nicola January 11, 2018 at 6:24 am

    It’s so cute, I can also see it being part of stationery – for the desk, I am sure kids will love it as well. For those people who enjoy having little ornaments in their cars…can see it working there too. I love the personalised touch.

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