
Rocking Motherhood

So yesterday I had a bit of a meltdown.
Whilst replacing tin cans on our pantry shelves for the third time that day, Mr H casually asked me what our plans were for dinner and I almost tore him into a million pieces. The words I screamed at him were something along the lines of “can’t you just leave me alone/why must I do everything/this day has been so kak and you want me to do even more chores/I have got no work done because Rosie has been so needy/stop judging me”…eventually I calmed down and realized that Mr H and I don’t do the shouty thing anymore, and he wasn’t demanding that I slave in the kitchen but was simply asking what we should eat. Needless to say, I felt bad afterwards, worse still that I blamed my mood on spending time with Rosie.That made the ever-ready cloak of guilt fasten itself tightly around my shoulders; I felt so bad for complaining about my own daughter when I love being able to work from home and be with her all the time. The tightrope of motherhood really is a tricky beast and I woke up this morning feeling a little sullen.

Which is why Cindy Alfino’s blog tag came at the most amazingly perfect and magical time.
Do you know Cindy? You must do. She blogs at 3 kids, 2 dogs, and 1 old house  and as a punch in the gut to mummy guilt, she’s tagged me and other cool bloggers into spreading the Rocking Motherhood love by writing down 10 reasons why we are nailing this mummy lark. Because we all need some reassurance.

I’ll admit that I did struggle to think of 10 reasons just because Rosie is so small still, so my biggest victory is that she is healthy and growing BUT, I did think of 5 reasons why I rock as a mum:

  1. I don’t have a village and yet we’re all still fairly sane. The quote, “it takes a village to raise a child” is great, if you have access to said village. With my family in the U.K and Mr H’s mum living in JHB, we’ve done everything on our own from day one and every day I praise God for giving us the strength to face every single challenge and, in the process, get stronger. Obviously, I would love to have my folks popping in for cuddles and to at least get some time off with Mr H for dates but we’re good. More than good. We’re rocking it!
  2. I love my daughter’s dad. So much. Mr H and I are very adamant that we want to protect and honor our relationship and in turn, show Rosie a strong example of love and respect between a couple. I hope that the way we love will show her that she must never settle for second or ever get into a relationship where she does not feel like a Queen.
  3. I’m exploring my passions and chasing my dreams so that she may never fear to do the same. Working on my own businesses does make things a little crazy and trying to juggle everything requires a skill set that I still have to master, but I’m hoping that it shows my girl that she can go after anything her heart desires, her only limitation is her own self-doubt.
  4. Hello world! I love being a hermit, but I’m fighting these ways so that Rosie gets to interact with kids her own age. I still won’t answer the phone though.
  5. I’m working on loving others more. I want for her to see the positives before the negatives. I want her to search for people’s souls and not their status. I want her measurement of self-worth to not be an earthly thing. I know that I then need to change the narrative in my life and change the way I speak about people – in many cases, I need to stop comparing myself.

So that’s my short, but sweet list. Inevitably I’ll think of something more later on but for now, that makes me feel happy.

I’m going to tag the following people for them to get on board –  and if you don’t know who they are, definitely check them out!

If I tagged you, I’d love to see you take up the challenge, if you’re keen.

Here’s the only three rules

  1. Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
  2. List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10.)
  3. Tag 3 – 5 bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.

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  • Reply Kimberley April 14, 2017 at 5:23 am

    This is so great! Being able to honestly share and support other moms in this journey is vital to crushing the MG x

    • Reply Shante Hutton April 15, 2017 at 12:52 pm

      Thanks so much Kimberley – it’s always far too easy to see the flaws than the positives

  • Reply Karin April 17, 2017 at 10:49 am

    Sad thing is, I spent a better part of the day thinking of things I do well as a mom and most times there was direct evidence of the opposite. I salute the mom’s that really do rock motherhood. For me most times it’s a symphony of noise with perhaps a single note coming through clearly.
    This is not a bid for your sympathy vote, but a view to the reality of trying to parent well and not knowing what you’re actually doing.

    • Reply Shante Hutton April 19, 2017 at 7:44 am

      Hi Karin, thank you so much for sharing. I don’t think anyone knows what they ate doing…half of the time I’m relying on instinct and green tea. In 20 years time, I might be able to look back at what I’ve done and truly be at peace

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